Scottish Country Dancing
Wednesday 12 February 2025
The RSYC Scottish Country Dancing Group meets weekly from 19:00 to 21:00 on Wednesday evenings during the winter (October to mid April), with a few additional parties and ceilidhs scattered over the year.
New members. New members are most welcome. Previous experience is not required. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Nick Measor by phone on 01983 760462 or via email at
Costs. The charges for Wednesday evenings are £20 for the Autumn term (October to December) and £40 for the Winter (January to Easter), or £3.00 per session.
Comment from a recent recruit: “We thoroughly enjoy all the time spent at Scottish Dancing. We didn’t know a soul when we joined, but everyone was very welcoming and helped us through our first dances. It is the best way to meet lots of people and the Scottish Country Dancing members must be the most friendly people we have met anywhere.”